
NavLog is a Automatic Navigation Logbook Generator. It was designed by a single handed sailor.
Its purpose is to automatically create most parts of your navigation Logbook for you. So you do not have any reason to forget to get your Logbook up-to-date.

  • Automatic Logbook. NavLog creates an entire Logbook from the instruments dataflow (NMEA).
  • Track. NavLog generates a track line to record the actual ship route.

    Log Points. It automatically generates clickable Log Points (LPs) on the track, as you do it when creating a route with your navigation program. They cannot be modified as they are recordings from the actual measurements of the instruments but you can look at the recording and export it into a graphical logbook (in OpenCPN, Google Earth, etc.)
    Depth lines. If the depth is shallow, the track will show a depth line.

  • Automatic LPs. Clickable LPs are regularly inserted on the ship track as waypoints are on a route. They contain the NMEA recording. There are 2 types of automatic LPs:

    Time related LPs. They are created every N seconds (configurable delay). The name is the recorded UTC time.
    Depth related LPs. They are created every N meters if the depth is shallow. The name is the recorded time (configurable interval and security depth).

  • Track’s LPs. You can create your own LPs on the track (departure, arrival and intermediate LPs) :

    Departure & Arrival LPs. A day trip is defined as one or many legs. An LP is created each time you are starting or ending a sailing leg (departure and arrival LPs).
    User’s LPs. You can create a LP at any time on the ship’s track, between the departure and arrival LPs.
    They also contain the instruments measurements (at the LP creation time) plus your own comments, observations, pictures and URLs.
    You can give a name, edit or delete your LPs or delete at any time.

  • Info LPs. You can create Info LPs at any time.

    Unlike track’s LPs, you can edit their coordinates to locate them anywhere on the chart. They contain any information you want as for other LPs comments, own observations, pictures and URLs.
    You can give a name, edit or delete your LPs or delete at any time.

  • Many logbook publishing formats. The Logbook contain the same information presented in 3 different formats:

    Logbook as an eBook (ePub file).
    Logbook as an OpenCPN layer (GPX file).
    Logbook as Google Earth places (KMZ file).
    Logbook as HTML files (Web browser format).

  • Ship and Crew documents. You can print ship and crew documents for Customs and Immigration offices.
  • Launcher. Launch your favorite applications and open your main documents files.
  • See Screenshots

Main benefits

  • Time and work savings. Easily get the required ship’s Logbook, complete and up-to-date.
  • Accuracy. No error while logging instruments data.
  • Travel history. Retrieve travel information easily (navigation data, weather, visited places, comments, pictures, URLs, etc.)
  • Integration. Your Logbook can be integrated in your navigation program (OpenCPN) as well as in Google Earth and as an easy to read eBook.
  • Graphical Logbook. It can help you to produce a nice looking blog for the friends who are following your trip.

Download & Installation