
Tides locations for OpenCPN

  • Create a directory, i.e My Documents\opencpn\UserTCData
  • Download OpenCPN-TCData-v8.7z.
    Uncompress it to UserTCData
  • Launch OpenCPN
    * Select « Settings, Charts, Tides & Currents »
    * Select the [Add Dataset…] button, search « UserTCData » & select the file HARMONIC.IDX

Tides locations for JTides

  • Download JTidesData.7z (copyright infringement)
  • Exit JTides.
  • Select the C:\Users\plang\.JTides directory.
  • Backup all files.
  • Delete all files.
  • Uncompress « JTidesData.7z » to this directory.
  • Launch JTides.